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Raecheal Riddell (Kingi)

Report Writer

Raecheal is a very skilled Report writer, she has been actively writing Court Reports for 5 years, along with her extensive report writing skills she also brings with her several years of experience as a Senior Corrections Officer, an Owner/Operator of a very successful non-funded Reintegration Rehabilitation Whare, Programme facilitator, along with being a well-respected Mentor and Support Advocate. Not only well skilled, but she is also well educated, holding qualifications in Mental Health & Addictions, Adult Numeracy and Literacy and currently completing her Bachelor of Applied Science double majoring in Communication and Psychology, with a future goal to gain her Doctoral Degree (PhD) in Psychology specialising in criminology. This a only a small portion of the skills, experiences and qualifications she brings to the team to finding that positive path forward.

Taūakī Whaiaro

Ko Pirongia te māunga, Ko Waipa te awa, Ko Tainui te waka, Ko Mahanga Hourua te iwi, Ko Te Papa-o-Rotu te marae. From my soul I am Māori and a Mana Wahine I am steeped in tuturu Māori and Matauranga Māori. I work every day to pay homerage to my past teachers, mentors and my grandparents, and the values and beliefs they instilled in me. I see my role as a voice for the client because they cannot be.